Game Analysis

Game Analysis

Regular price $99.00

As the game is changing rapidly the importance of constantly reviewing your game and find ways to improve it increases even more.  Video analysis is another way to do that. In our video analysis we watch your game and see what areas could be improved on and which areas are your strengths.  Once the video is analyzed we will set up a plan of action on how to improve your weaknesses without compromising your strengths.

Between coaching and playing Karl has spent hours breaking down film and finding out how to improve players game to the next level.  


How it works. 

1.Send us a link or video of you playing (up to 3 hours of game time)

2. We set up a review session (Either remote or in person) to discuss both the strengths and weaknesses in your skill set.  

3. We construct a plan of action to further the development in your game. Get your own player development package! 

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